
Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.

We offer the best herbal and natural products in the market we are confident that our product will meet and exceed customers' needs and stand behind it.

+ 372-5802-0210

Mahtra tn 9, Tallinn Harjumaa, 13811 Registrikood: 16310547

( 5.00 out of 5 )

Link Samahan Tea 100pcs


Link Samahan is a unique and pleasant herbal drink formulated using a combination of 14, time-tested herbal ingredients that have proven beneficial effects on health and wellbeing. Ingredients of Link Samahan have been used in Ayurveda, especially for cold and catarrh-related symptoms. Link Samahan comes as convenient-to-use granules packed in unit dose sachets. It is specially formulated to preserve the health benefits of its ingredients.

Link Samahan is a trusted herbal supplement that can help ease the discomforts associated with colds and catarrh and support boost your immunity. The beneficial effects of Samahan in Colds and catarrh are proven scientifically. (Ceylon Medical Journal 2012:57:21-32.)


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SKU : 026
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Adhatoda-Adhatoda vasica Nees., Galangal- Alpinia galanga Willd., Ajowan – Carum copticum Benth & Hook., Corander – Coriandrum sativum Linn., Veniwel – Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr., Cumin – Cuminum cyminum Linn., Vishnukranthi- Evolvulus alsinoides Linn., Liquorice – Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.,  Pathpadagam- Hedyotis herbaceae (Linn.) Lam., Long pepper- Piper longum Linn., Black pepper- Piper nigrum Linn., Siritekku- Premna herbacea Roxb., Katuwelbatu- Solanum xanthocarpum Schrade. & Wendl., Ginger- Zingiber officinale Roscoe.

Main Purpose
Cold & Flu,

Box contains

100pcs tea bag

Country of origin

Sri Lanka

Additional information

Weight 250 г


Link Natural

Link Natural

The company Link Natural Products established in 1982, is driven by a challenging and inspiring corporate philosophy, namely that of providing an innovative range of herbal products for its consumers. These include safe and effective healthcare products, Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals as well as personal care and wellness products. The current product range consists of over 200 products All these products are developed by effectively blending the wisdom of ancient Ayurveda with modern science and leading-edge technology, measuring well up to the highest international standards. Our products are meant to bring enhanced quality of life, good health, and longevity to our consumers, both local and international.

2 reviews for Link Samahan Tea 100pcs

  1. .Natalja

    Удивительно приятный и полезный чай,каждое утро начинаю с него,советую попробовать.

  2. Merike

    Külmetuse vastane tee mõjus kiiresti ja enesetunne paranes.

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